This fine Tiffany Favrile Glass Paperweight Vase features an unusual cased motif of dandelion seed pods.
Tiffany Studios produced Favrile Glass Paperweight Vases with a variety of encased leaves and flowers, including narcissi, nasturtium, morning glories and more. This vase is one of the only known examples of Tiffany Favrile Glass in which the company’s paperweight technique was utilized to adapt the motif of the dandelion flower or seed pod.
In this vase, a layer of clear glass encases a motif of dandelion seed pods on thin green stems surrounded by spiky oblong leaves which rise up from the foot of the vase. The iconic seed pods are formed by circular pads of opalescent white glass that are further decorated with small millefiori formed by clusters of white dots, representing the multitude of tiny parachute-like bristles that form each puffball.
The interior of the vase was fumed, resulting in an iridescent surface which reflects light from within.
This rare and unusual piece of Tiffany Favrile Glass is inscribed on the underside with signature and date code.
Height: 8 ¾ inches (22.2 cm)
Martin Eidelberg, Tiffany Favrile Glass and the Quest of Beauty, Lillian Nassau LLC: 2007, p.60-66
Paul Doros, The Art Glass of Louis Comfort Tiffany, Vendome Press: 2013), p. 128